Wednesday, October 31, 2012

George McGovern

I can't let the recent passing of former presidential candidate George McGovern go without comment.  In the summer of 1972, at the heart of the anti-Vietnam War fervor in America, McGovern won the Democratic nomination at their convention.  My wife Jackie and I were in San Diego midway through our newlywed cross country camping tour.  We had decided to opt for a cheap motel just to sleep in a bed and get a hot shower.

On a 13 inch black and white TV, we watched his acceptance speech.  It began after 11:00 PM Pacific time, making it after 2:00 AM on the east coast.  (This would never be allowed to happen today!)  McGovern's speech, a riveting condemnation of the US intervention in Vietnam and an urgent appeal to elect him and end the war, nearly brought me to tears.   I'll never forget his plea, "Come home, come home, America."  He not only addressed this to bringing the troops home but also to bringing America back to healing the fratricidal wounds that the Vietnam debate had inflicted on this country.

Anyone who heard this speech could not help but be moved.  Alas, hardly anyone heard it.  In the end Nixon won an overwhelming victory, only Massachusetts and D.C. voting for George.  History proved McGovern right, and Nixon's subsequent actions led to the famous bumper sticker "Don't blame me.  I'm from Massachusetts."

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